Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Battle Of The Sexes: Who Enjoys Sex More, Men Or Women?

Hi dolls,how y'all doing is bn a while i had a post up,bn busy miss blogging though,I came across some fact findings about sex  few hours hurt feelings ladies but i think we should know this,The outcome was very got me thinking..real hard...i mean...ok, maybe i should save my sermon for the church and cut straight to the chase...

Has anybody realised how woman scream, moan and simulate during sex? Yet when they are in labour, for the excruciating and throbbing pain we experience?Again, women that are rejected by their men have a “catch phrase”, “he used and dumped me” “USED” and if it is sex, does that mean only men enjoy it? 

I eat ice cream about once a month and I am fine with it. There are others who enjoy it everyday. Does that mean they like it more than me? “YES”…
Men usually want to have sex with every woman they spot on the streets. Some women are of the view that, sex is the price they pay for a relationship with a man, which is what men want.

If a woman likes sex more than man, she is a bitch. If a man does too, he is tagged a dog. When most men meet a woman for the first time, their friends pressure them to take a bite (sex) as quick as they can.Does the above mean that the price women talk about is actually true… right? Who can really answer these questions, do women enjoy sex more than men? And is sex the price women have to pay for a relationship with a man?

Am going to leave this as a poll on the top right side of this page...lets be fair guys it goes both ways,i will like to know what you guys think..Toodles.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hi dolls how you doing?so i got this facts about kissing i wanna share with you guys.

1. Two out of every three couples turn their heads to the right when they kiss
2. A simple peck uses two muscles; a passionate kiss, on the other hand, uses all 34 muscles in your face. Now that’s a rigorous workout! 

3. Like fingerprints or snowflakes,
 no two lip impressions are alike. 

4. Kissing is good for what ails you. Research shows that the act of smooching improves our skin, helps circulation, prevents tooth decay, and can even relieve headaches. 

5. The average person spends 336 hours of his or her life kissing.

6. Ever wonder how an “X” came to represent a kiss?
 Starting in the Middle Ages, people who could not read used an X as a signature. They would kiss this mark as a sign of sincerity. Eventually, the X came to represent the kiss itself.

7. Talk about a rush! Kissing releases the same neurotransmitters in our brains as parachuting, bungee jumping, and running.

8. The average woman kisses 29 men before she gets married.

9. Men who kiss their partners before leaving for work average higher incomes than those who don’t.

10. The longest kiss in movie history was between Jane Wyman and Regis Tommey in the 1941 film, You’re in the Army Now. It lasted 3 minutes and 5 seconds. So if you’ve beaten that record, it’s time to celebrate!

Hope you got my follow guys,xo.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Hi dolls,if you  find yourself in this situation which of this will you prefer. 

"If you were to chose just one attribute in your man; will it be for the man to be a ''lousy hubby'' and a loving father to your children or a loving hubby and a lousy father to the children?

Let's know what you think... "Toodles.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hi dolls,how are you guys doing? so i came across this tips to stay in shape,what you can eat in a typical day to keep you fit and healthy, enjoy.

hope this helps,Xo.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hi dolls,so lastweekend was fun for me and i decieded to post a few sex tips i got from a friend,So your guy is a 'morning guy.' He doesn't just wake up early...he Wakes Up early-- he 'rises' as the sun feel me,  We all know what it's like to get that nudge from our man who wants a little 'play time' before work.  But, these days, it's not only men initiating sex after slumber.  "Morning sex for men is a sure thing-- meaning they all love it. But, the good news is more women are literally 'joining in'  that sentiment and finding it's a great way to connect and start the day."

Now, mind you -- if you want to either get in the game for your guy or you want to kick your day off with a bang (pun sort-of intended), you should go into it knowing there's a difference between a-m intercourse and romantic date-night interludes. "Because of the time constraints everyone deals with in the morning, there's not going to be the slow romantic build up typical of wine-and-candles sex. This is about quick, no frills, feel-good sex to start both yourselves and the day off on a pleasurable note.

Even during quick moments, though, we all want to feel good...and feel good about ourselves. Are there rules to UP the 'sexy' factor even if we have morning breath and our hair looks like we've been caught in a hurricane? "Keep in mind that feeling sexy stems from within, so that it's not about how you look, but how you feel," says Dr. Greer. "To feel sexy, think about what a turn-on it is to your partner to see you completely naked and au natural without makeup and go with the feeling of being desired simply for who you are in the morning light." 

One of the biggest rules: Do NOT plan it! Morning sex, especially, ignites from spontaneity. Scheduling it into your Blackberries may ruin the quick romp. The one thing you should plan ahead for and have nearby: birth control. No one wants to ruin the 'Let's go right now' with a 'Hang on, I have to find the condoms.' (We're thinking keeping breath mints in the nightstand may not be a bad idea, either.)
Since foreplay is not as much in play when you have to get to that meeting or get kids off to school, it's critical to hone in on what is important to fire things up as quickly as possible. Dr Greer's advice to the MEN? "Always remember her 'hot spots' -- her erogenous zones that work -- whether it's kissing, kissing her neck, touching her breasts, etc. Make sure you include them each and every time. You don't want to rush past them since they will make the sex good for both of you."
well ladies you know how it is,you have got to give him when he wants it,time is not an exception,have fun,Toodles.


Hi dolls,how are you all doing?today am looking at the bedroom fun,every girl needs to spice up their sex life i mean who doesn't in their bedroom routine every once in a while? You love your partner and assume he'll initiate sex, so it's all good, right? Not so fast! did you ever think about what your role is...what you could be doing to turn up the heat?

Mistake 1:Comfy Cloths. 
I know, ladies, that you want to be in those those comfortable nightgowns, those comfortable jammies, that you wear. But, honestly, the quickest turn-off to your partner or spouse are your comfy clothes. So, if you want to spice things up in your love life, shed those comfy clothes and find a ice, hot bra or a nice nighty, something you can be slinky, sexy and comfortable in that will be a Turn-On to your partner.

Mistake 2:Not Taking The Lead.
Don't wait to get asked to dance, meaning you've got to take the lead. You don't have to wait for your partner to ask you to have sex or make love with them. Get involved, get into bed, take the lead and get your partner into bed with you. You'll both have a lot of fun and enjoy yourselves.

Mistake 3:Criticism.
It's to be avoided at all costs. Nothing will turn off your partner faster than you telling him what you Don't like and what you don't want taking place. On the other hand, what will be a complete arousal and turn-on is letting him know what he Can do to please you and what will excite you if he does it.

So, tell him what you like, wear those sexy clothes and, most importantly of all, take the lead so that you can have the fun you're looking for!well ladies i hope this works for you.Toodles.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hi dolls,''O M G''my friend called me from England to check this story out and believe you me girls it's shocking.
i mean there is no place like the internet,you can get facts and information online,with search engines and social networks poping up when you on your computer you easily find answers to curious questions especially about your spouse and Bf, men can be secretive at times you never know if your husband or Bf have another woman somewhere else,believe me you catch them easily now, Read on ladies you gonna luv this story.

Meet Diane Petty and husband.
When she typed her husband’s name into an internet search engine, she was simply curious to learn more about his company.instead it turn into the start of a shocking journey of discovery about him.
First she learnt that Roderick Petty, her husband of 21 years and father of her son, had recently married a second woman in Bahrain during a year working away from home.
Details of the ceremony were posted on the website of the cathedral where it took place and, when she contacted the chaplain,who confirmed conducting the bigamist wedding.
As she delved deeper, she learnt that at the time of this second marriage he was also engaged to a third woman
and was planning an intimate wedding with her in florida,''Am not done ladies listen to this''
And while romancing Miss Stirling the 3rd woman, he found time to carry on an affair with a fourth woman, exchanging racy text messages.The astonishing revelations have devastated Mrs Petty age 55 she said:
‘What Roderick did is unforgivable, and I never want to see him ever again. The web of lies this man wove was just incredible.
''Can you guys believe this man a 4th woman Damn''

       Petty and Ms Sterling who he was planning to wed in Florida.
Ps: none of this ladies knew about the secret life he was leading,a man with lovers in 3 continents' that's huge''.
       ''MEN''now how the hell are we suppose to trust you guys? am shut of words gotta go Toodles.


Hi dolls,is weekend hope your all having fun?anyways so today i came across some beauty tips i will like to share with you,hope you try it cos it really work makes you look young and fabulous.

1. Keep your eye-cream in the fridge for quick under-eye depuffing. The cold constricts blood vessels to help swelling go down- and it feels extra refreshing.

2. An at-home gloss treatment dramatically amps up shine and refreshes your highlights, giving your face a happy boost. Try: L'Oreal Paris Colorist Secrets Shine Gloss.

3. Define your eyebrows. A pair of full, arched brows works like an instant eye lift. Pluck errant hairs and fill in sparse areas with a fine-tipped brow pencil.

4. Apply a firming body cream. Toned, taut skin is the age-defying holy grail, Try: Jergens Skin Firming Daily Toning Moisturizer,or any other firming body cream that fits your skin type.

5. Have your snip some layers. Hair that moves lifts your features and just looks fun and free,now i know the weather gets hot here so you might want to leave your hair and go easy but layers can be fun to add a little vibe to your hair.

6. Take a brisk 30 minute walk whenever you can sneak one in. You'll jump start your metabolism and circulation and it'll give you a nice rosy glow.

7. Short nails, painted sheer and pink give off a young, fun vibe and make your hands look effortlessly flawless.
Well ladies hope you try this tips out and tell me what you think,Toodles.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hi dolls,how are you all doing?is fall in US but here in Malysia the heat is killing,''Gush''have you guys notice how hot the weather is lately''OMG'' it's driving me nuts i hate sweating,it freaks me out,anyways i came up with an idea on how to dress fabulous to go with the hot temperature outside.
First—it’s really, really hot so dressing in this weather,it’s kind of difficult to put together an outfit that keeps you cool and  looks fabulous,here are some cute outfits that will have you feeling cool and looking good.

My First Oufit: 


This look is perfect when the temperature is climbing,but still manageable.Shorts are in,i luv this one with the ruffles,you can  add a pop of color to your outfit Cropped tops, light jewelry to acessorise your outfit,Flats,Deodorant,powder with SPF to give you a bit of coverage while protecting you skin.


My Second Outfit: 


 This look i call tempareture rising look,another great option lightweight Romper this one is a thin floaty fabric for the heat,is hot and sexy you can easily dress it up or down, you can add light acessories,funky sunglasses,wear tank tops,sexy shorts,flats,wedge, for comfort you can move around with more energy.

    This last look i love most is easy simple and looks fabulous,the hair ponytail and the head band,you can rock both or one,is stylish and comfortable for the hot weather,ok guys hope this helps,is friday and you know what that means gotta go,Toodles.

Thursday, October 28, 2010



Hi dolls,so i came across this somewhere and i decieded to share it with you guys,can you tell if your man  is for real or just pretending and playing you?ever wonder why he act so nice to a fault and you feel  like the luckiest girl on earth, how do you tell if your boyfriend is genuine or just faking it with you?believe me girls men who are loud and proud about romance and emotions may seem like godsend to most women, but the truth is they’re not in love with you.They’re in love with the idea of romance and having a girlfriend to use,
       ''The Signs'' a man that do things to seek attention from people that are close to your heart like your family and friends just to show them how much he adore you, in public he acts loudly for people to notice him,you loose your friends because he makes you feel you don't need them anymore''girls u better watch out''a player is always a player the parade themselfs in different forms,you gotta be smart when you meet one.Toodles.